Festival of Fish and Seafood

Lignano, Italy
03.03.18 - 11.03.18

North Adriatic is famous for its variety of seafood, and the resort town of Lignano for its appetizing seafood delicatessen. On the territory of the fishing festival, right on the beach, there are mini-cafés where you can try mussels, oysters, squid, crabs and cuttlefish cooked according to the traditional recipes of this region. Be sure to take "sarde in saor" – sardines baked with onions. The festival is open on weekends, for two weeks.

Feast of Fallas

Valencia, Spain
15.03.18 - 19.03.18

For a year the inhabitants of Valencia are busy preparing for the local holiday of the Fallas dolls. On the eve of the opening, one can observe how huge dolls put together from separate pieces right on the streets of the city, around which colorful parades and performances, shows and fireworks are arranged. On the last night, the Fallas are symbolically burnt.

Pisa New Year

Pisa, Italy

For many centuries, Pisa residents celebrate the new year according to their own calender – March 25. Every year, at exactly noon, the sun's ray passes inside the city cathedral through a round window, illuminating a marble ball in the center. In the city, carnival processions are held, with medieval dances and festivities, and in the evening, as expected in the New Year, loud fireworks take place.

Folklore Festival Volksfest

Nuremberg, Germany
31.03.18 - 15.04.18

For several centuries in a row, the best farmers and craftsmen of Southern Bavaria have come to Nuremberg, bringing their own products and handicraft products to the city. In addition to visiting the fair, festival guests cheerfully walk, ride on swings-roundabouts, treat themselves to Bavarian beer and famous Nuremberg sausages. The festival is held twice a year, and then next time – in autumn.

Festival of Tulips

Netherlands, Amsterdam
01.04.18 - 30.04.18

World famous tulip festival in Amsterdam does not leave any guest indifferent. All April the city is adorned with colorful flower beds, lawns and vases with tulips of all kinds. On the site of the festival www.tulpfestival.com you can find all 80 (!) locations, dedicated to the tulip theme.

Walking Lugano

Lugano, Switzerland

By the Day of walking for fans of hiking in the district of Lugano 7 routes of different complexity are opened – from 7 to almost 20 km long. Snowy mountain peaks, small lakes and villages, green trees and a soft spring sun are the best companions of a leisurely athlete.

Beer Festival

Prague, Czech Republic
10.05.18 - 26.05.18

The largest beer festival in the Czech Republic is prepared in Letna Park. They promise more than 100 varieties of beer from local breweries, outdoor terraces, live music and delicious national snacks. The admission fee is 100 kroons (about 4 euros).

Taste of Paris Festival

Paris, France
17.05.18 - 20.05.18

"Taste of ..." festival series begin their march through European cities. In Paris, guests of the event are waiting for French cuisine from the best restaurants in the city, including Michelin. They are treated to small portions of food for them to be able to try a little of everything. Tickets can be purchased at https://paris.tastefestivals.com, the cost of attending each festival session is from 20 euros.