According to statistics, about 30% of the world's population is afraid of flying. Every 4th passenger experiences unpleasant feelings before the upcoming flight, and every 6th person has real undisguised fear. Both men and women are equally susceptible to aerophobia and everyone tries to cope with the fear in different ways. However, the problem can be effectively solved, adhering to only a few recommendations from specialists.

Avoid stresses prior to your flight

In order not to stand in long queues and not to experience additional negative emotions, it is best to register for the flight in advance and do so with only hand luggage. However, it's also not worth coming to the airport 3 hours ahead. The very expectation of the inevitability of flight exerts a strong pressure on a person who is afraid of flying. The road to the airport should be as easy and simple as possible: call a taxi or take advantage of a convenient transfer service. Before the flight you should try to get a good sleep and be well-rested.

Book seats toward the front of the plane

In case you suffer from aerophobia, you should be aware that seats in the back of the aircraft should be avoided. It's often more "shaky" in this part and the air is less discharged. Choose front seats or those over the wings. Airplane seat maps will tell you where the most comfortable seats are located. You can see them on official websites of airlines. For example, as for Airbus A320, the most comfortable seats are in the rows 8-15, and for Boeing 737-800 – between 12 and 18.

Try to do without strong sedatives

It is important to take into account that the effect of strong drugs that suppress fear in the air and on the ground can be very different, and eventually play a cruel joke on the passenger. Psychologists advise to opt for light prescription-free tranquillizers which do not cause addiction.

Discuss your fear with a fellow traveler

Talk about your fear with the stewardess or someone in the adjoining seat. Expressed fear is the right way to recovery. Frequently flight attendants offer passengers who confess to having this problem to get acquainted with the pilot and crew, which may be very helpful in steadying the nerves.

Wear comfortable clothes

Clothes for the plane should not be uncomfortable or squeeze any body parts. Avoid ties and scarves, belts and tight collars, narrow shoes and accessories. Let the flight time be filled with a feeling of comfort and peace. A good idea is the choice of clothes, which are associated with pleasant memories or which you are particularly comfortable wearing. You can conquer the world with your stylish appearance on the ground.

Choose the right drinks

Dry air on board can cause discomfort, so try to drink plenty of still water or unsweetened juice. Coffee stimulates neural activity, which, on the contrary, should be quieted down. It is also important to remember that alcohol is not the best way to fight aerophobia. A glass of champagne or wine will help to relax a little, but strong drinks should be avoided.

Plan your plane activities

Use the flight as an extra opportunity to watch those films, which in the usual pace of life you do not have enough time for. Or take something to read which is completely new for you. If you have a favorite game in your smartphone, you can enjoy the fun and the time flying by, without it being the guilty pleasure it is on the ground.

Learn about the technical side of the flight

Before the flight, ask why the engine sounds like it does during the flight, why you should not get nervous when flight attendants communicate with the pilot via internal phone. At the same time, you should by no means watch movies telling tragic stories of planes crashing or look for reports on very unlucky flight experiences.