
Fact №1: Swarovski stones shine like diamonds, but in reality they are ordinary crystals. World fame came to the brand thanks to the special grinding and polishing of crystal stones, as well as the unique formula of cooking the crystal itself. The founder of the production of crystal "diamonds" – an engineer from Bohemia, Daniel Swarovski (1862-1956 biennium).

Fact №2: The Austrian company Swarovski flourished even during periods of wars and crises. Surprisingly, even during the Second World War, the products of the ally country of Germany were sold with great success on the territory of America.

Fact №3: In 1965, Swarovski released their first crystal chandeliers, which immediately became incredibly popular. Today, Swarovski chandeliers adorn the halls of the Metropolitan Opera, Versailles and Windsor.

swarovski chandeliers

Fact №4: There is a whole club of Swarovski collectors. It consists of about half a million people – admirers of this company's products from around the world. As a tribute to the location, once a year the designers present each collector with an exclusive figure made according to special sketches. Both the sketches and the tools used to create such figures are always destroyed. So Swarovski keep their secrets under lock and key.

Fact №5: Daniel's grandson, Manfred Swarovski, doubled the uniqueness of his grandfather's discovery – he created a technology that allowed the crystals to be tainted. This event became truly revolutionary in the world of "artificial" ornaments – no one before Swarovski had ever made colored crystals.

Fact №6: Before Swarovski, diamonds were already being imitated, but "in quiet" – by and large, this activity was close to fraudulent. Many believe that the success of Daniel Swarovski was precisely because he did not hide the origin of his stones, but, on the contrary, he emphasized the availability of jewelry, introducing them as a fashionable work of art.

swarovski jewellery

Fact №7: Ten years after the launch of the chandeliers, Swarovski marketers decided to play on the popularity of the brand. In the sale were released crystal figures of some animals – mice, hedgehogs, turtles, deer, rhinoceros, swans. Today these figures are considered collectible, and cost from 30 to 600 dollars.

Fact №8: Not far from the Austrian Innsbruck is a whole museum dedicated to Swarovski products. The museum was opened in 1995, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the company. In 2015, the museum carried out additional work and introduced some changes. In appearance, it resembles a giant's cave, with all sorts of sparkling rooms, gaming halls, gardens and a crystal cloud.

Fact №9: To date, Swarovski produces 80% of the glass stones that are created in the world. In addition to jewelry, the company produces products from fabric, souvenirs and gift sets, as well as suspension for chandeliers.

swarovski museum

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