presents for the 8th of march

№1: Make-up Set

Make-up set is a simple and at the same time trouble-free gift idea. If you want, you can always pick up something with a specific request, or just choose a universal make-up set in a gift box. By the way, many sets are sold with nice gifts - for example, branded cosmetic bag or new products in miniature.

№2: Set of exotic fruits

set of exotic fruits

Fruit boxes with exotic fruits are professionally pleasing with their variety and new names. In addition to the already familiar pineapples, mangoes and passion fruit, you can find pakhaya, tamarind, mangosteen, granadilla, rambutan and many other delicious exotics. Usually companies delivere such sets directly to the address.

№3: Bracelet

If jewelry as a gift is not always appropriate or requires a solid budget, if you choose luxury bijouterie the situation becomes much simpler. Colorful, shining or laconic bracelets are always appropriate for going out, besides they are easy to combine with different clothes and other accessories.

№4: The big aroma-candle

A woman of any age can be a potential owner of this gift. A large perfumed candle can be a good present for both beloved grandmother and younger sister. But it is important to choose not too intense scent, and it is better to buy a glass stand for the candle or simply choose a variant in a glass box..

№5: A mirror with backlight

a mirror with a backlight

A table-stand mirror with backlight will give every woman the opportunity to feel like a star in her own make-up room. In addition, with such an assistant it is very convenient to apply makeup in any lighting.

№6: A plant in a pot

Once flowers on the 8th of March have already become a must-have attribute of the holiday, so why not to choose a plant in a pot or an unusual flower in a planter. And the effect of such a gift will be super great, and a blooming gift (which is not a secret) will delight the eye much-much longer.

№7: A gift certificate

The certificate for visiting favorite beauty salon, a one-time visit to the spa center or gym membership - put a tick opposite to any of the above and you can calmly breathe out. Such a gift will be a great choice for any girl who looks after her appearance.

№8: The analog of the Polaroid camera


Do you remember the good old Polaroid cameras that printed the photo right after the shooting? A lot of their analogues have returned to the stores and, I must say, are very popular. From "instant" photos you can make funny collages, or just keep in your notebook photos that are dear to the heart.

№9: A magnetic board on the fridge

Magnetic boards with crayons are good for romantic notes, important information and simple everyday reminders. On the board you can write a recipe for a berry pie, a phone for round-the-clock food delivery, and just learn how to draw cats.

№10: Perfumes


Another category of gifts that always comes in handy. The only difficulty - preferably at least to understand fragrance preferences of your woman and not to experiment. Most often, men manage to guess the right flavor, guided by their own taste.