What is eco-tourism
Eco-tourism is a relatively new kind of a holiday. People choose it when they want to unite with nature, get rid of everyday stresses and the state of eternal running. And yes, this type of vacation is contrary to the usual requirements of the sophisticated traveler. You will not be able to rest in luxurious rooms, sunbathe with a cocktail by the pool and enjoy All Inclusive system. At the same time eco-tourism promises to give the tired city resident new impressions and the opportunity to make friends with nature.

Indeed, eco-tours mean recreation in nature, away from noisy places, gadgets, highways and conveniences. This does not mean that eco-tourists should sleep in the open air and eat berries and do fishing, although, at the request of travelers, you can include this similar options in the tour.
Depending on the purpose of the trip, eco-tours can be:
- Active. This includes all kinds of hiking, diving, mountain climbing and biking tours.
- Scientific and historical. People take such kind of tours for studying the nature of the specific area, exploring new places, as well as get acquainted with the cultural traditions of the region.
- Agricultural. Agro-tourism attracts people who want to live in the countryside, eat organic food and get acquainted with agriculture.
- Exotic. This includes visits to natural reservations, national parks, and traveling through the jungles, savannah, desert and so on.

Where to go
If heart asks for exotics and thrills, far-flung corners of the planet, untouched by man, are most suitable. For example, in Kenya, you can dive into the world of savannas, admire the lakes and mountains, and then head off to the coast for a magnificent coral reef. In addition, there is a huge number of national parks and nature reserves in this country.

If far away exotics is not included in your plans, places for eco-tourism can be found in Europe. For example, many tourists often go to the suburb areas of Provence or the regions of Italy. Here you can rent a room in a private house or rent a villa, take part in the grape picking, make cheeses, ride a bike for a hot baguette, walk along the mountain slopes and go down to the wild seaside beaches. Equally interesting opportunities are offered also by the country regions of England, Ireland and Scotland.
If you want to try eco-tourism you don’t have to go outside your country. Regardless of whether there are large lakes, mountains or forests near you, you can even relax in nature reserves and national parks.
How to prepare
When booking a tour, always specify who is responsible for conducting it. It happens that small travel companies only gather people and send them on a trip under the responsibility of another foreign travel agency. The size of the group also matters.
Clarify all issues related to accommodation, conveniences and food. Not all eco-tourists will be happy to heat the house in winter by themselves or take a cold shower. The number of meals, its origin and quality - that information that you should definitely know before departing.

The cost of eco-tours depends on the direction, the distance of the route and the duration of the tour itself. On average, tours to foreign countries cost from 200 to 300 dollars a day. It includes food, accommodation, excursions and pay for crossing. Tours within your country are usually 2-3 times cheaper. Even after you hear the full cost of the trip, always specify what will be the extra costs!
In eco-tours you will have to walk a lot. Take care of comfortable clothes and shoes. If you go to the mountains or to the forest, even in summer you need comfortable closed shoes.

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