International Cheese Festival

Where: Bra, Piedmont, Italy
When: September 15-18

Once in two years, Italy hosts one of the largest cheese festivals. Best cheese producers from Italy, France, England, Switzerland and even Africa present their products. Tourists can enjoy a grand cheese fair, delicious wine tasting, cheese production master classes and fun entertainment.

Coffee Day

Where: Vienna, Austria
When: October 1

Coffee festival in Austria has been celebrated for 15 years now. Vienna coffee houses are always full of people, but it is on October 1 that there is unparalleled excitement and rush. Coffee house owners everywhere arrange tasting of different types of coffee, hold funny contests, offer gifts and discounts for their guests, and reputed baristas reveal the secrets of coffee making at unique master classes.

Herring Fair

Where: Helsinki, Finland
When: October 1-7

At Helsinki Market Square, since 1743, an annual holiday, in honour of the national dish – herring – has been celebrated. Finnish herring is small in size and has comparatively mild salinity. At the fair you can try different types of herring: salted and slightly salted, with marinade, with mustard or sauce. In addition to fish at the open market, you can find a variety of local souvenirs and woolen clothes from Finnish manufacturers.

Cinnamon Rolls Day

Where: Sweden
When: October 4

Remember Karlsson, a Swedish fictional character, who had an extremely sweet tooth? In a famous children's cartoon, the rolls he ate were exactly "Kanelbulle" – Swedish rolls with thick sticky syrup and cinnamon. Swedes
love this baking, so on October 4, delicious buns are sold throughout the country at big discounts. Gastronomic holiday experiences can also be added to by tasting national Swedish dishes: marinated herring, pea soup, cranberry sauce and pancakes.

"Eurochocolate" Festival

Where: Perugia, Italy
When: October 13-22

During the festival, a small Italian town turns into a small chocolate empire. Chocolate serves as construction material for various exhibits, figures and buildings. This delicacy is also used to make cosmetics, traditional Italian food, medicines and household items. Guests of the festival can try a variety of types of chocolate from the most skilled craftsmen, attend lectures and cooking lessons and, of course, enjoy the holiday entertainment.

Soup and goulash Festival

Where: Prague, Czech Republic
When: October 21

Culinary festival in the open air offers an excellent opportunity to taste delicious soups from different cuisines of the world and a famous Hungarian goulash. Each guest is entitled to a personal spoon, a magazine-guide for the festival and a souvenir gift.

Festival of Olives

Where: Baena, Andalusia, Spain
When: November 9-11

After the harvest, the Spaniards host a large celebration devoted to olives and olive oil. At this time the streets of Baena are fun and noisy. Generous treats on large tables decorated with olives are laid out everywhere. Tourists are waiting for fascinating master classes from chefs and tasting of olive oil.

Local cuisine of any region is sure to arouse curiosity among tourists. In addition, besides tasting the dishes and local delicacies, at culinary festivals and celebrations you can get to know the culture and traditions of the country where you are going. So, have delicious and exciting trips this autumn!