travels 2021

Where and how people can travel from Ukraine this winter

While travel might not be the same as it once was, many countries have started to ease border restrictions and reopen for international tourists. As of December 21, over 50 countries have opened borders for international tourists, some with stringent restrictions, others without too many. 

Actual information about countries that have been opened for Ukrainians on an interactive map.

Travel precautions to protect yourself  from COVID-19

PCR testing before and after travel can reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. Keep a copy of your test results with you when you travel. If you have a positive test or feel unwell, stay at home. Immediately isolate yourself and follow public health recommendations. 

Check the airline’s policy before you go. Some airlines still practise such  methods like physical distancing and spacing out passengers, but others do not. Steps being taken at airports and on board can include temperature testing and/or asking about symptoms (fever, loss of sense of smell, chills, cough, shortness of breath)

Think about how you will get to the airport — take a taxi or your own car instead of a crowded bus and limit your carry-on luggage.

airport covid19

Here is some useful advice to reduce your risk of getting sick on the plane or transmitting infection to anyone else.

  • Maintain a distance of 6 feet (2 meters) between you and others as much as possible at the airport and on board. 

  • Wear a mask and bring extra masks in case the one you’re wearing gets dirty or breaks.

  • Consider shielding your eyes with sunglasses, goggles, or a face shield.

  • Follow all usual pandemic hygiene measures: take alcohol-based sanitisers with you and wipe surfaces around, regularly wash or sanitize your hands, and do not touch your face.

  • Stay away from other people as much as possible —  don’t congregate near the toilet, or in a lineup to board or deplane.

  • If you’re near someone who is coughing, try to move away.

  • Snag a window seat (passengers, sitting on  window seats. have less contact with other people).

  • If there’s an air nozzle above you, keep it on maximum and point it at your head to keep air flowing from the top to your feet.

The advantages of MyDutyFree pre-order service during the pandemic 

The travel retail has changed during this challenging time: more people prefer to spend less time at the airports, and in consequence in duty free shops. Choosing everything in advance with pre-order service and picking up the purchase in one place minimalizes contacts with other passengers and store staff at the shop. This important factor reduces the risk of disease. 

Making a pre-order on the website you will get a 5% discount on all goods and products at border shops and 7% at airport shops. Discounts are available only if you make a preliminary selection through the Mydutyfree service.

All the products which you selected will be collected and packed in advance. You can pick up a ready purchase at the cash desk Mydutyfree after passing the passport control. 

MyDutyFree service cares about bringing you the best international products at the best possible prices. Make your order online before your flight or crossing the border. You no longer need to worry about the lack of time at the airports.

Take care of yourself and use MyDutyFree pre-order service!