airport customs


Going to Europe, it is important to remember that the amount of cash that shall not be declared is up to 10 thousand euros. Even if a tourist transports only a part of his savings in euros, but at the same time has another currency, the total amount of all the money must not be over the specified limit.

The rule of "ten thousands" per traveler applies to all EU countries, but in practice there are cases when customs officers act according to "internal" rules. For example, in France, the customs allows you to import 10 thousand euros per person, as well as the per whole family or couple. Therefore, if you plan to transport a large amount of money to any of the European countries, it can't hurt to clarify the internal rules of cash transport in advance.



For personal consumption you can import to EU countries:

- 40 pcs of cigarettes or

- 100 pcs of cigarillos or

- 50 pcs of cigars or

- 50 gr of smoking tobacco or

- 50 gr of chewing tobacco.

All listed tobacco products can be combined with each other, but according to a percentage ratio. For example, 20 cigarettes (50% of the allowed amount), 20 cigarettes (20% of the allowed amount) and 15 cigars (30% of the total amount) can be transported at a time.


To any country of the European Union you can import duty-free:

- up to 4 liters of wine

- up to 16 liters of beer

- 2 liters of low-alcoholic beverages (alcohol content up to 22%) and 1 liter of strong drinks (alcohol content above 22%). All listed alcohol products can also be combined with each other according to a percentage ratio.



The customs rules prohibit the import of meat and dairy products to the EU countries. But, it is allowed to carry baby or medical food in a sealed package, up to 2 kg per person. The rest products of animal origin (honey, fish, seafood) can be taken with you, but in amounts for so called "for personal consumption".

As for fruits and vegetables, you can take with you:

- up to 3 kg of citrus fruits

- up to 5 kg of fruits and vegetables. Potatoes are not allowed to import.


When preparing a first aid kit, remember that up to 10 different medicines and up to 5 packs of each medicine are allowed to take to the European countries. In case if it is required to transport specific drugs (narcotic or psychotropic action), a notification from the doctor is required.



You can safely take a bouquet of 50 cut flowers and 1 cut conifer. As for other plants, it is necessary to clarify beforehand whether phytosanitary control allowance is required.

Electronics and gifts

Each traveler can take electronics for personal use: camera, laptop, smartphone, tablet and so on. But if you have several units of similar electronics (especially in packaging), this can cause unnecessary questions from customs officers. If the same electronics you plan to take back, it makes sense to declare it and protect yourself from double taxation.

Gift products are imported duty-free if their cost does not exceed 300 euros (motor vehicle crossing point) and 430 euros (when crossing the border by plane and by sea).

electronics and gifts

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